Given an n x n
where each of the rows and columns is sorted in ascending order, return the kth
smallest element in the matrix.
Note that it is the kth
smallest element in the sorted order, not the kth
distinct element.
You must find a solution with a memory complexity better than O(n2)
Example 1:
Input: matrix = [[1,5,9],[10,11,13],[12,13,15]], k = 8 Output: 13 Explanation: The elements in the matrix are [1,5,9,10,11,12,13,13,15], and the 8th smallest number is 13
Example 2:
Input: matrix = -5, k = 1 Output: -5
n == matrix.length == matrix[i].length
1 <= n <= 300
-109 <= matrix[i][j] <= 109
- All the rows and columns of
are guaranteed to be sorted in non-decreasing order. 1 <= k <= n2
Follow up:
- Could you solve the problem with a constant memory (i.e.,
memory complexity)? - Could you solve the problem in
time complexity? The solution may be too advanced for an interview but you may find reading this paper fun.
Min Heap
Time Complexity: , Space Complexity:
用到的概念是 merge k sorted array。
class Solution {
int kthSmallest(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int k) {
int res;
int m = matrix.size();
int n = matrix[0].size();
priority_queue<vector<int>, vector<vector<int>>, greater<>> minHeap;
for(int i = 0; i < min(m, k); i++) {
minHeap.push({matrix[i][0], i, 0});
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
auto top =;
res = top[0];
int rowIdx = top[1];
int colIdx = top[2];
if(colIdx + 1 < n)
minHeap.push({matrix[rowIdx][colIdx + 1], rowIdx, colIdx + 1});
return res;
Binary Search
Time Complexity: , Space Complexity:
each of the rows and columns is sorted in ascending order
,和 Search a 2D Matrix II 是一樣的,所以在尋找有多少 element 比 mid 小的時候,可以使用 linear search,time complexity 會是 。
class Solution {
int kthSmallest(vector<vector<int>>& matrix, int k) {
int n = matrix.size(), m = matrix[0].size();
int l = matrix[0][0], r = matrix[n-1][m-1];
while(l < r) {
int m = l + (r - l) / 2;
if(countSmaller(m, matrix) < k) {
l = m + 1;
} else {
r = m;
return l;
int countSmaller(int target, vector<vector<int>>& matrix) {
int n = matrix.size(), m = matrix[0].size();
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int j = m - 1;
while(j >= 0 && matrix[i][j] > target)
count += (j + 1);
return count;
O(n) from paper. Yes, O(#rows). - Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix - LeetCode
It’s O(n) where n is the number of rows (and columns), not the number of elements. So it’s very efficient. The algorithm is from the paper Selection in X + Y and matrices with sorted rows and columns, which I first saw mentioned by @elmirap (thanks).
The basic idea: Consider the submatrix you get by removing every second row and every second column. This has about a quarter of the elements of the original matrix. And the k-th element (k-th smallest I mean) of the original matrix is roughly the (k/4)-th element of the submatrix. So roughly get the (k/4)-th element of the submatrix and then use that to find the k-th element of the original matrix in O(n) time. It’s recursive, going down to smaller and smaller submatrices until a trivial 2×2 matrix. For more details I suggest checking out the paper, the first half is easy to read and explains things well. Or @zhiqing_xiao’s solution+explanation.
Cool: It uses variants of saddleback search that you might know for example from the Search a 2D Matrix II problem. And it uses the median of medians algorithm for linear-time selection.
Optimization: If k is less than n, we only need to consider the top-left k×k matrix. Similar if k is almost n2. So it’s even O(min(n, k, n^2-k)), I just didn’t mention that in the title because I wanted to keep it simple and because those few very small or very large k are unlikely, most of the time k will be “medium” (and average n2/2).
Implementation: I implemented the submatrix by using an index list through which the actual matrix data gets accessed. If [0, 1, 2, …, n-1] is the index list of the original matrix, then [0, 2, 4, …] is the index list of the submatrix and [0, 4, 8, …] is the index list of the subsubmatrix and so on. This also covers the above optimization by starting with [0, 1, 2, …, k-1] when applicable.
Application: I believe it can be used to easily solve the Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums problem in time O(k) instead of O(k log n), which I think is the best posted so far. I might try that later if nobody beats me to it (if you do, let me know :-). Update: I did that now.
class Solution(object):
def kthSmallest(self, matrix, k):
# The median-of-medians selection function.
def pick(a, k):
if k == 1:
return min(a)
groups = (a[i:i+5] for i in range(0, len(a), 5))
medians = [sorted(group)[len(group) / 2] for group in groups]
pivot = pick(medians, len(medians) / 2 + 1)
smaller = [x for x in a if x < pivot]
if k <= len(smaller):
return pick(smaller, k)
k -= len(smaller) + a.count(pivot)
return pivot if k < 1 else pick([x for x in a if x > pivot], k)
# Find the k1-th and k2th smallest entries in the submatrix.
def biselect(index, k1, k2):
# Provide the submatrix.
n = len(index)
def A(i, j):
return matrix[index[i]][index[j]]
# Base case.
if n <= 2:
nums = sorted(A(i, j) for i in range(n) for j in range(n))
return nums[k1-1], nums[k2-1]
# Solve the subproblem.
index_ = index[::2] + index[n-1+n%2:]
k1_ = (k1 + 2*n) / 4 + 1 if n % 2 else n + 1 + (k1 + 3) / 4
k2_ = (k2 + 3) / 4
a, b = biselect(index_, k1_, k2_)
# Prepare ra_less, rb_more and L with saddleback search variants.
ra_less = rb_more = 0
L = []
jb = n # jb is the first where A(i, jb) is larger than b.
ja = n # ja is the first where A(i, ja) is larger than or equal to a.
for i in range(n):
while jb and A(i, jb - 1) > b:
jb -= 1
while ja and A(i, ja - 1) >= a:
ja -= 1
ra_less += ja
rb_more += n - jb
L.extend(A(i, j) for j in range(jb, ja))
# Compute and return x and y.
x = a if ra_less <= k1 - 1 else \
b if k1 + rb_more - n*n <= 0 else \
pick(L, k1 + rb_more - n*n)
y = a if ra_less <= k2 - 1 else \
b if k2 + rb_more - n*n <= 0 else \
pick(L, k2 + rb_more - n*n)
return x, y
# Set up and run the search.
n = len(matrix)
start = max(k - n*n + n-1, 0)
k -= n*n - (n - start)**2
return biselect(range(start, min(n, start+k)), k, k)[0]