You are given n
tasks labeled from 0
to n - 1
represented by a 2D integer array tasks
, where tasks[i] = [enqueueTimei, processingTimei]
means that the ith
task will be available to process at enqueueTimei
and will take processingTimei
to finish processing.
You have a single-threaded CPU that can process at most one task at a time and will act in the following way:
- If the CPU is idle and there are no available tasks to process, the CPU remains idle.
- If the CPU is idle and there are available tasks, the CPU will choose the one with the shortest processing time. If multiple tasks have the same shortest processing time, it will choose the task with the smallest index.
- Once a task is started, the CPU will process the entire task without stopping.
- The CPU can finish a task then start a new one instantly.
Return the order in which the CPU will process the tasks.
Example 1:
Input: tasks = [[1,2],[2,4],[3,2],[4,1]] Output: [0,2,3,1] Explanation: The events go as follows:
- At time = 1, task 0 is available to process. Available tasks = {0}.
- Also at time = 1, the idle CPU starts processing task 0. Available tasks = {}.
- At time = 2, task 1 is available to process. Available tasks = {1}.
- At time = 3, task 2 is available to process. Available tasks = {1, 2}.
- Also at time = 3, the CPU finishes task 0 and starts processing task 2 as it is the shortest. Available tasks = {1}.
- At time = 4, task 3 is available to process. Available tasks = {1, 3}.
- At time = 5, the CPU finishes task 2 and starts processing task 3 as it is the shortest. Available tasks = {1}.
- At time = 6, the CPU finishes task 3 and starts processing task 1. Available tasks = {}.
- At time = 10, the CPU finishes task 1 and becomes idle.
Example 2:
Input: tasks = [[7,10],[7,12],[7,5],[7,4],[7,2]] Output: [4,3,2,0,1] Explanation**:** The events go as follows:
- At time = 7, all the tasks become available. Available tasks = {0,1,2,3,4}.
- Also at time = 7, the idle CPU starts processing task 4. Available tasks = {0,1,2,3}.
- At time = 9, the CPU finishes task 4 and starts processing task 3. Available tasks = {0,1,2}.
- At time = 13, the CPU finishes task 3 and starts processing task 2. Available tasks = {0,1}.
- At time = 18, the CPU finishes task 2 and starts processing task 0. Available tasks = {1}.
- At time = 28, the CPU finishes task 0 and starts processing task 1. Available tasks = {}.
- At time = 40, the CPU finishes task 1 and becomes idle.
tasks.length == n
1 <= n <= 105
1 <= enqueueTimei, processingTimei <= 109
Time Complexity: , Space Complexity:
關鍵在於如何 update system time:time = tasks[pt][0];
這一步,當 ready_queue 中沒東西時,就將 time update 成 tasks queue 中的下一個 task 的 arrival time(tasks is sorted)。這可以 handle 當執行到一半,CPU 進入 idle 時 system time 的 update,因為剛做完的這個 task 其執行時間太短,沒有涵蓋到下一個 task,因此 time 會沒有下一個 task 來幫忙更新。
class Solution {
vector<int> getOrder(vector<vector<int>>& tasks) {
for(int i = 0; i < tasks.size(); i++) {
sort(begin(tasks), end(tasks));
// min heap : {execution time, index}
priority_queue<pair<long, int>, vector<pair<long, int>>, greater<pair<long, int>>> ready_queue;
int n = tasks.size();
vector<int> res;
int time = 0;
int ptr = 0;
int i = 0;
while(i < n) {
if(!ready_queue.empty()) {
auto job =;
time += job.first;
} else {
time = tasks[ptr][0];
while(ptr < n && tasks[ptr][0] <= time) {
ready_queue.push({tasks[ptr][1], tasks[ptr][2]});
return res;